In 2017, our community developed a strategic plan based on the assets and future possibilities of St. Paul. Since then, St. Paul Tomorrow has based our transformational strategies and projects on this plan. After a five-year review, we realize many tasks have been completed and some things have changed. It is time to conduct another survey and assess our community members and continue to revitalize our town.
What is Asset Mapping?
Assets are what we want to keep, build upon, and sustain for future generations. Assets can be physical, concrete things like buildings such as a historic courthouse building or a natural resource like a local park or river. Assets can also be intangible like the work of an important non-profit social organization to renovate housing, or the garden club that beautifies Main Street.
Asset mapping is a positive and enjoyable approach to learning about your community. It enables you to think positively about the place in which you live, work, or play. It also challenges you to recognize how other people see and experience the same community.
Please download the form below, fill it out, save the information, then email it back to stpaulmainstreet.@gmail.com by August 25. List two or three assets in each category. Think about what is important and what you love about our community. Once all of the responses are compiled, the top responses will be used to direct us in creating effective transformational strategies and projects to continue improving our town.
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Stewart at stpaulmainstreet@gmail.com or 276-395-0685.